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View Full Version : The Broader Scope of Redemption

David Merrill
08-02-13, 12:33 AM
This brings a new light (http://www.registerstar.com/news/article_0235ed2e-fa5f-11e2-bad4-0019bb2963f4.html) on redeeming lawful money. Here is a great example (http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/914/ownyourcarlawfultitletr.pdf) of lawful money redemption working for property taxes too.

Too bad FELI was not redeeming lawful money under the very same statute!

Paul Feli hasn’t paid his taxes in five years, and now he has to face the music. He’ll be in county court at 1 p.m. Friday to try to stop the foreclosure on his house.

He lives in a former one-room schoolhouse on county Route 19 near the library and Livingston Town Hall. He inherited the house from his sister, who used to have a store in front, and he still runs it as a tag sale.

Feli’s claim is that it’s illegal for the government to levy taxes...

Robert Henry
08-02-13, 07:09 PM
Interesting that the article notes he's not paid income tax for 20 or 30 years and that no one commenting mentioned that bit.

More interesting, or sad really, that none of the people commenting and disparaging him for shouldering his burden off on to his neighbors and not paying his "fair share" will ever look any further in to this and discover for themselves if any validity in his position exists. Not to mention trying to find out what really is happening with their tax dollars.

David Merrill, I will be purchasing a used vehicle in the near future and attempting the same myself - thanks for sharing.

David Merrill
08-02-13, 11:08 PM
You are welcome Robert Henry.

08-03-13, 01:37 PM
More interesting, or sad really, that none of the people commenting and disparaging him for shouldering his burden off on to his neighbors and not paying his "fair share" will ever look any further in to this and discover for themselves if any validity in his position exists. Not to mention trying to find out what really is happening with their tax dollars.

Practicing communists/socialists tend to get "bummed out" when everyone doesn't participate :).

David Lyn
04-01-15, 10:55 AM
Does anyone have any idea how this turned out for this guy? I have a property tax issue coming up.

04-01-15, 12:05 PM
AFAIK if Feli's property is on the books as residential (public office holder) or commercial, then the respective county might be well within its rights levying property taxes.

Practicing communists/socialists tend to get "bummed out" when everyone doesn't participate :).

Oddly enough, homosexuals / sodomites seem to be the same way and coincidentally we find communism and homosexuality somehow inter-related in history (as in communists tend to promote homosexuality, deviate sexual conduct, denigration of females and group slavery of children and women).

04-01-15, 12:59 PM
Next to , owning is the pawning apostrophe and I wood not deign to use it, not the least, to be the trustee in control. Was it not Earl Grey who said All proper tea is theft, and spoke saying who will goto tub a chicken with me? or find unity with God, the grand creator . thus I have no enemy apart from meself we are all one becoming one with the Creator. one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it . and the bookkeeper can be king For the 64 years of its existence the tax misunderstood to be diacritical in the building in which he lives—otherwise it's wong last words of your sweet baby jayzus. notwithstanding the claims man,s poverty is his just reward. this is a wepost you cannot fight your way off teh battlefield but you can walk away. there,s no shame in my game jack

04-01-15, 02:00 PM
Or in other words, one can avoid or stay out of alleged theater(s) of war.

04-01-15, 05:05 PM
He will lose.
When you play the game of monopoly you use monopoly money.

04-02-15, 01:01 PM
What are we playing, Parcheesi? Technically, this Theater of operation (TO) is a sub-area within a theater of war. The boundary of a TO is defined by the commander who is orchestrating or providing support for specific combat operations within the TO, ... said the peaceful noncombatant.