• CEO President = USA Corporation?

    Watch this Congressman say so at about the 4:45 Minute Mark.

    Too bad that the congressman does not hold the authority to make the USA a corporation by saying so. If he did, I would think of the USA as a corporation even without articles of incorporation and soforth.

    It seems any day though that we might see more of that if Congress does not approve the new $15T+ Debt Ceiling. The US government will default on its debts and we will see who gets receiveship. That might give us a clue whether the USA is a corporation or a body politic, and whether the congressman was speaking literally or figuratively.


    David Merrill.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. motla68's Avatar
      motla68 -
      I do not hold much value in the reporting by Allen West, in a previous report he said it was the Constitution that established independence from England.
      I think even Obama might know better then that maybe.

      So far as the USA being a corporation just go on any corporate search engine and do a search for " Executive office of the United States " , you will find the same for any Department, even once found a lot of public schools in there as well:
