I used a different verbage on the back of my check this last check, and I also struck out the words 'to the order of' on the face. When presented to the teller today to be cashed, there was no asking to swipe my client card in the reader at the teller even though the card was visible in my hand, and was ready to do it. I also used 'dollars' in the written line.
Usually, they make me swipe the card before they'll look at the check. This could be a fluke as I went to school with the teller.

Also, I redid the signature card to say 'lawful money only', but I doubt that would have shown up without my swiping the client card.
Wondering if the "Pay to" only was the difference... She only checked the account the check was drawn on. Not the regular client account. (I have a business account with a corporation that I work under, and a personal account there.)