Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam wrote an article called "Innoculating Against Islam". Quite an interesting snippet from teh article is below. You can read more by clicking the link to the source.

I ran an experiment. I paid $20 to a smart 12 year-old child to read The Life of Mohammed. After she read it, I had her read the Gospel of Matthew. It is important to know that she had never been to church or read the Bible. I then asked if she had to have new neighbor would she want it to be Jesus or Mohammed? She said she wanted Jesus and then justified her answer by using the facts from Matthew and The Life of Mohammed. She used fact-based reasoning.

That is the way you inoculate against Islam. Full knowledge of Mohammed causes anyone of reasonable morals to avoid him and Islam. Once you know how much suffering Mohammed caused to every neighbor, you do not want to follow him. So, to prevent a case of conversion to Islam, prescribe a dose of Mohammed. [Source.]