@Anthony Joseph

Anthony, my thinking is that the entities in place are as you say, fictional, but directed by flesh and blood people. Some of them have taken oaths and made bonds to perform certain obligations in the offices they represent. Others are simply members of various social organizations.

The entities created are tools people use in order to accomplish certain goals and purposes in society.

Lately I've been focusing on birth certificates, because I believe the organization NAMED thereon is one of those fictional legal entities, established ostensibly for my benefit.

I've investigated extensively the commercial process you were describing, and to me, it seems premature to begin seeking private remedy for public error. I think it should be the last course of action taken, after all other avenues have been explored and exhausted.

THE NAME is a public organization, and it should be possible to turn it off or have it redirected to better serve the public. Even though I'm not the one who created it, it does exist in law for my benefit and society's.

However, I've been playing trustee/agent, and consenting to service of process, out of ignorance. If I begin acting in the private, without first clearly defining the line between public and private, I can hardly blame public servants for overstepping their authority.

I also realize that I don't have a legal obligation to train these people in their jobs, since I'm not the one who created this situation. But I also realize - by way of analogy - that I have no obligation to use an umbrella when it rains.

It seems better to seek peace with these people, and use the processes already in place, before going to battle in court.