While the name is a fiction, it's a useful one. We aren't the ones who superimposed this "person" over our identities, but the reality is that this "thing," whatever it really is, is the vehicle being used to control people in society. And another reality is that some people need to be controlled.

I think most of the people who come to the realization that their being is separate from the fiction, also know that in today's society it's very difficult to function without it. So the struggle is in trying to figure out how to operate without the legal person.

Yet another reality is that we're all unique creations, and each of us reach understanding in our unique and individual ways. Each one gains knowledge, filters it through life experience and contemplation, and eventually it buds into wisdom.

I am continually amazed at the depth of thought that is constantly displayed here at this site. I find it remarkable that so many people - each coming from his own understanding - are still able to find commonality in the ideas routinely discussed.

Concepts like the name are ethereal, spiritual, and hard to express in words. So it's natural to try and relate the idea to experiences that we hope others will have had, and reach unity in understanding.

Fortunately we've been given a real life example to follow, and his actions are memorialized and made present in those of us who believe and accept his promise of redemption. He is the Captain of our salvation, and has already won the battle.