Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Joseph View Post
no man, woman or 'government' has a right to disparage or deny the right of people (man) to be secure in their property [cf. 4th amendment "... persons, houses, papers and effects...]

can you have a 'person' without a name?

no one has a right to interfere with your property [cf. person, name]

property is NOT 'Ownership' or 'Title'; it is that which is proper to i; a man, and exclusive of all others at this time; and, until i say other wise

someone must come forward and verify a higher claim to said property than yours

come forward now; i will accept all claims to said property, verifiable under oath or affirmation in open court; and, the record will reflect what is true and who makes the highest claim
No, you can not have a person without a Name except by general reference. The Name is the "thing" that gets securitized and thus is a person. If parents do not name their baby, the hospital will do it for them. BABY SMITH. All property must have a title so that the state can recognize it.

I disagree, the state not only has the right, it is its property.

We kind of agree but our wording is different. I agree a man must come forward and state he has a higher claim but the issue is not about that property being yours, it is an issue that everything on the planet belongs to the Creator and we are just mere users of said property, with right of use, control, enjoyment and possession but not ownership.

Man through his consent is subject to the state jurisdiction. Without man's consent and agreement, there is no jurisdiction.

There mere fact is the kourt will not move forward until you, man provides the kourt a name should give you a first clue.

I, a man am here for that matter does not give the kourt jurisdiction. I, a man who you can call John provides an open door for the court to ask the plaintiff if he would like to amend the complaint aka John.

I am here for that matter and as a friend of the kourt, I believe that I can help the kourt settle the matter with passably this usufruct compliant certified certificate.

If you can provide evidence that you own that Name you are using, I would most welcome that information. Anything done in that property or Name automatically vests within the state, as the state is the beneficial owner of said Name. We are naked users. But we must remember as owner, who obtains the benefits, is too subject to the liabilities.

Anything is possible or not where remedy is concerned. If you have been successful with Karl's method more power to you.