when did i ever claim ownership?

what evidence would you bring in open court to verify that what i claim is in error - can a piece of paper verify itself?

when did i say i would go in the "state's" court and be ruled over by a "judge"?

when i bring my court to a public courthouse, it will be the rules of my court (which i create) that the magistrate will follow and hold the parties to as a witness independent of the tribunal

the unwritten common law is the highest law on this land - contract wisely

you do know that you are participating on a site which is named 'saving to suitors' club, right?

not only do i believe i have an inherent right to a common law remedy, so do the people who wrote the 'saving to suitors' clause of 1789 which still stands today...

[cf. "...the United States, ... within their respective districts, as well as upon the high seas; (a) saving to suitors, in all cases, the right of a common law remedy, where the common law is competent to give it; and shall also have exclusive original cognizance of all seizures on land,..." The First Judiciary Act; September 24, 1789; Chapter 20, page 77. The Constitution of the United States of America, Revised and Annotated - Analysis and Interpretation - 1982; Article III, §2, Cl. 1 Diversity of Citizenship, U.S. Government Printing Office document 99-16, p. 741.]

exercise your inherent right; and, be competent