Quote Originally Posted by Sovereignty View Post
I have this reoccurring thought that those that receive an Ivy League education (the rich) already know this information. It's only we, the people, the peeons who can't afford a Classical education, who waste our time learning enough to sit in a cubicle.
Thanks for the pieces to the puzzle...
You got it man, but they do it a little differently which is creating a couple separate trusts, one for the private(equity) and one for the public(monetary), instead of having a Birth Certificate to live through they live through the Trust Certificate on the private side, the public side makes bond investments or sometimes is a foundation. The private trust contracts out to the Public trust their time as Manager of the Public Business Trust. Public makes payments for that time not monetarily but in equitable goods that can be used, gas, food, clothing, housing e.t.c.
By learning trust law we are working at closing the gap between all of these schools of thought.