David Merrill wrote...

"That aside though, let's pretend you get a speeding ticket. You should already know better than to write Refusal for Cause across it in great big letters and hand the clipboard back to the officer (an executive officer Goes Postal?). [However, when a suitor did one time the R4C was immediately in force, the officer returned ten minutes later with an identical presentment where he filled in "Refused" on the signature line and walked up to a few feet of the minivan driver window, sprinted forward and stuffed the Defendant's Copy of the Citation in, then ran back to his car.]"

David, I am confused regarding the bolded quote. Is the preferred procedure to wait until AFTER 'returning home' to write the R4C on the ticket; or should this be done DURING the traffic stop when the LEO hands you the clipboard for your signature? Or does it not matter as long as it is sent to the chief of police later (within 3 days).