To destroy a country you must destroy the men. Anthony Joesph I agree with you 100%, every day on TV all you see is men portrayed as lazy fools. Monkey see and Monkey do, you see men emulating that behavior in the real world thinking its acceptable because that is what they see in the fake TV world. To your brain its almost the same thing. Women see on TV themselves (women) talking disrespectfully to men and think that is acceptable behavior. All we have as a result is self indulged women dragging subservient "men" around by a chain around their nuts and when they are fully dissatisfied with a boy in a man's body they divorce and the children are harmed by it. Men are supposed to do the "Dirty Work" we are supposed to be the providers, the machine operators the protectors...The Men. All this "progress" is nothing more then the Power elite working to destroy the only thing that can keep them in check and that is the Man acting as a Man.