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    Indorsed Bill Remedy

    "Indorsed Bill Remedy" vs FRN Usage as Enemy of State

    FRN Usage invokes "Enemy of State" status, which deprives one of all rights and standing under both common law and civil law (statutes).

    Said enemies do not have standing to be on any truly-constituted common law jury.

    IMO, affiliation with juries comprised of said enemies constitutes complicity with treason.

    "We" are enemies because we are not "paying" our debts. It is our own fault.

    This national debt is now threatening our national security, hence why "we" are "enemies".

    BUT - "We" have the power to remedy this - INSTANTLY - STARTING TODAY!

    12 USC 411 and 95a(2) are the keys in their system to effect this remedy... the "escape clauses" for the people to be "in" the system but not "of" the system, maintaining the peace between the fiction and real worlds.... until the harvest. (Mt 13:30).

    Right now, using the above two USC statutes, we can start using lawful money (USNs in the form of FRNs) to PAY every debt instantly upon receipt.

    Each bill one receives can act as lawful money (United States Notes).

    Simply see bills as in fact "credit vouchers" which are presented to recipients for simple approval and indorsement "For Deposit Only to the account of the United States Treasury".

    This "Indorsed Bill Remedy" is a practical implementation of what both Lincoln and Kennedy intended, and would produce economic recovery overnight!

    Google "Lincoln's Monetary Policy" and "Kennedy Executive Order 11110" for proof of this approach. These two US Presidents were both assassinated because this remedy was THE SOLUTION to ensure national and economic sovereignty.

    Google "The Way to outdo England without fighting her" by Henry Charles Carey, 1865. In his "Letter 12", pages 129-130, he explains the efficacy of Lincoln's "Greenback" Monetary Policy.

    Google "Australian National Liberty Party Monetary Policy" for further clarification of this issue.

    For the CLGJ to be truly sovereign in its power as an institution of and for the people, each jurist thereon must be sovereign by PAYING DEBTS TIMELY in the manner proposed above.

    What Kennedy did in June 4, 1963, by a simple short Executive Order, we can also do today by a simple demand and indorsement on each bill we receive, and return for a "full acquittance and discharge for all purposes of the obligation of the person making the same" per 12 USC 95a(2).


    Imagine how easily said remedy could be enforced by a CLGJ that is truly sovereign by doing the same!

    Imagine how quickly we the people could restore America's economy and security!

    We the people are the sovereigns per Chief Justice John Jay's declaration in Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 2 Dall. 419 419 (1793).

    Haven't we the people reserved the right in the 10th Amendment to do what we deem a necessity in order to ensure a more perfect Union?

    Who can stop us from implementing this "Indorsed Bill Remedy" without immediately being seen thereby as being complicit in giving "Aid and Comfort" to the enemy by preventing the reduction of the national debt and increasing its threat to our national security?

    What more important and effective remedy is there for the CLGJ to impact, protect and defend every single man and woman in America today?

    What more important and effective calling is there to fulfill Psalm 82:3-4 and James 2:27?

    For more info, see:

    NOTICE: Anyone who chooses to abuse, misuse, exploit or harm this message or its proponents willingly and knowingly agrees to receiving from the Creator the same sort of plagues today that were poured out on those who dishonored the Creator's requests back then to "Let My People go that they may celebrate a Feast [of Pentecost] to Me in the wilderness" in Exodus 5.1, and to inviting immediate divine intervention for same.
    Last edited by doug555; 06-07-14 at 08:09 PM.

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