Quote Originally Posted by ag maniac View Post
Tell me edward, what evidence have you that the birth certificate identifies you?

And other questions for you....when was the birth of the birth certificate? ....and for what purposes?
The evidence that edward has is his testimony.
Ever watch CSI shows on the TV?
Do they ever go to trial? No.
The defendant always waves his rights to remain silent and testifies.
No court is ever needed for judgement, just the sentencing.

Edward, have you ever seen anyone get asked for ID in court?
No right?
Have you ever seen anyone answer to the NAME on the BC in court?
Why yes, all the time. Right?

What happened there?

Did someone stand up as surety for government property?
Did someone take an "assignment" that was created by another entity and claim it as theirs?
Was something pledged?
Third party contracts.

The birth certificate grants you judicial rights created by man by legislation.
These rights can and will be removed to suit the flavour of the day.
You are walking around placing value and equity in a NAME that your mom and dad did not give you?
Them you claim the property as yours.
Them you defend the claim.
What a good "surety" you turned out to be.

When one starts to claim rights they better know what rights they are trying to claim.
You claim the wrong one and you grant jurisdiction.

"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."