The man-child is the "naked owner", having the reversionary interest in the usufruct as the holder of the Certificate of Live Birth receipt for the infant, and upon proof of life of the infant not being a decedent.

All one should ever need do is "redeem" the "trust receipt" with the "issuer" (Registrar or Bankruptcy Trustee) because until the living dude shows up with "equitable interest claim" via the "trust receipt", that account is held in trust for use by the Fed Res and Treasury for "care and maintenance" of the "estate" held in "trust" which is just the "usufructuary interest" of the "child" associated with the "event" and "the administrator and "usufructuary" of the "agricultural estate" (BC) have "monetized" the "account receivable" (Live Birth cert) and now need to "service" the "account payable" (Live Birth cert) of the usufruct because usufruct is inherently a "dual bookkeeping system" ... account receivable ("fruit harvested") + account payable ("usufructuary duties") = "usufructuary interest"

What (trust) law made this possible?

Who did this?

Where did it all start for all of us? There has to be a starting point.

What gave them the right? Where is our consent?

And where is the law that said they can do this?

Other than the “Mother Of All Black Ops": What Edward Mandell House said to Woodrow Wilson (President) [1913-1921]

Where is the contract?