AFV is an INTERNAL way to help the fictional system balance its fictional books - through the fictional system's authorized representatives - whatever that means.

Here again, please take note: I do not say AFV is not a valid remedy. What I am commenting on - what business does a man have to do with their fiction? This is why, at least I am in the midst of trying, I have done the release of claim and interest per 12 USC 95a, along with release of reversionary interest. THEIR JOB is to settle all claims with regard to their property called a name. I have done my part, NOW they or the State has a contractual obligation to do its part THROUGH its paid for service public servants. When I AS A MAN INTERMEDDLE IN THEIR INETERANL PRIVATE AFFAIRS BY "PAYING FOR SOMETHING", The state has legal authority to presume I am the trustee or executor of that trust or estate.

HOWEVER, those lovely paid for public service public trustees need to settle their public matter [as in a name or property of the state], I do not care, if it is a AFV, or they use toilet paper with US promises to pay US by authorized representative - Hillary - THEY must settle the claims otherwise those public servants can be held personally liable. YAY!!

Quote Originally Posted by Moxie View Post

if Accepted For Value is a myth, then why has it been effective?