To the Suitors “in Zion”:

IF Joel 2:18-27 fulfills Holyday #2 in accord with Revelation 4, AND Joel 2:28-32 fulfills Holyday #3 in accord with Revelation 5, THEN it follows that at some point in time, Joel 2:15-17 must also be fulfilled.

For those who believe in the LITERAL truth of the Scriptures above, who or what are we waiting for to “consecrate a fast” as the preparation and petition required by the Creator before the deliverance in Joel 2:18 occurs?

Notice that this is to be done “in Zion“. Zion is a symbol for the true church.

How many “suitors” on this website are “in Zion”? There is no way to tell…

But, given this website’s focus on “redemption” and “lawful money“, I believe that there are enough to justify believing that some are members of the true church.

In that spirit, let us “in Zion”, in faith, hereby, on July 19, 2014 (7=complete, 19=faith, 20=redemption, 14=deliverance) “consecrate a fast” with the intention of being in obedience to that command in Joel 2:15.

Then, in honor and remembrance of the 20th day of the month of Abib/Nisan, the very day when the ancient Israelites were delivered/redeemed from Egyptian slavery at the Red Sea as a TYPE for our deliverance today, let us consecrate the 20th day of every month as a “fast” day in accord with Joel 2:15.

So, beginning tomorrow, July 20, 2014, let us fast in prayer and petition as instructed in Joel 2:17, saying “Spare Thy people, O Lord… why should they among the peoples say ‘Where is their God’?“.

Let me state here, on the record, that I do not feel qualified to be “consecrating” anything, and do not presume to be fulfilling Joel 2:15.

But I cannot in good conscience withhold this vital information that may, upon release, awaken someone who is worthy and qualified to fulfill that mission.

As possible and granted, I will post more information about “The Fast” on my website, not only tomorrow, but in future months.

Certainly our efforts to at least begin, as best we know how, to fulfill Joel 2:15-17 will be noticed by our Creator, and hopefully help lead to His promised response of deliverance in Joel 2:18-27, and His pouring out of the Holy Spirit in Joel 2:28-29. Notice that this all will happen BEFORE the “Day of the Lord” (Holyday #4) prophesied in Joel 2:30-32, and will comprise the literal fulfillment of the next two BIG EVENTS on earth in the Creator’s Phased Master Plan for transforming Man-kind into members of His own Divine God-kind Family, namely, Holyday #2 and Holyday #3.