Here they swear in: Do you swear or affirm...

In context of the above case, as well as in my daydreams hypothesizing my Answer:

Absolutely NOT!

But here's the thing. I would not pull this stunt until being sworn in to testify. If I am a defendant then the judge would then be refusing to let me testify and trying to make it look like I refused to testify because I refused to swear in.

So the judge might tell me that I have to swear in, or affirm so that I will incur the same penalties for perjury. I would say that I do not like being punished and that I do not subject myself to his judgment. [Likely I have not even researched his oath of office at that stage if I am summoned as a material witness.] Why would I allow myself to be judged whether I am lying on the stand or not?

This is a difficult point to get for most people. Conditioning. If he cannot punish me for perjury without me swearing or affirming that is great. Being outside the Bar, or the Court, whatever you want to call it is exactly where I want to stay. However I am still subject to the Government (CHRIST Jesus) where I choose to stay. So I best not lie or mislead in any way, huh?