While doing a simple search on Google, I came upon this website. I asked at least one other being (someone who is much more knowledgeable than me) his opinion about your website. His immediate reply was very positive; this "forum" (if that is the proper term) and those involved with it were HIGHLY recommended. As I read some of the threads, I quickly saw the wisdom and plethora of information being shared. I also quickly realized that I have a lot more studying to do and will need to go back to "square one" to properly administrate my private affairs and the PERSON.

I had digested some of the misinformation (my fault for neglecting due diligence) on the internet and made some choices, that now (after I have read only a few threads on here), I think were erroneous, and possibly damaging. I wish to rectify and get back on track and do things correctly. If there are three (3) must-haves that I need to do now, I am open to suggestions. As much as I am not proud of sharing mistakes, I notice that others seem to learn from what I have done wrong.

1) I have not filed tax returns for 2013 and 2014, due to the erroneous belief that it was voluntary and that the IRS can simply send me a bill and then I would deal with that appropriately. So, I am in the process (reluctantly) of resolving that issue and filing for those two years, like I have in the past.

2) I can not exactly specify the exact date, but it has been maybe a year since I was "endorsing" checks for deposit by simply writing REDEEM FOR REAL LAWFUL MONEY, NO FEDERAL NOTES, no signature. I do something similar when writing checks. Even before I was aware of the truth of lawful money, I always had a dislike for paper money and would get rid of it as soon as I could. Well, the information in this forum and the constructive feedback of trusted friends has allowed me to see clearly that that was wrong too. So, I have contacted my bank to schedule an appointment to change the signature card and discuss the possibilities of opening an entirely new account, if that is necessary.

Note, I have not done anything further yet, as of today. I've been going through relevant threads and digesting all information, saving documents, in addition to researching (confirming) some of what is being shared here.

My goal is not to waste anyone's time. Instead, I wish (in the near future) to actually be able to contribute in some way.

Respectfully, DJ Lamb