12 - Review

Taking a few minutes to review your return now can save you time and hassles later. TaxACT Alerts review your tax return and identify any missing or incorrect information. You will also be alerted to possible tax saving opportunities you may have missed. It'll try to sell you on TaxACT Deluxe, which I declined. Three types of Alerts:

Red Alert - The message will identify information which is incomplete or inconsistent. If left uncorrected, the subject of a Red Alert will prevent calculations from being completed or may result in post filing inquiries by the IRS or State agency.
Yellow Alert - The message will identify potential problems or prompt you for additional actions required on your part.
Green Alert - The message will identify opportunities for potential tax savings. These messages are for your information and consideration.

I ran all alerts. It may find things ranging from missing or inappropriate numbers to messages like: "Explanation: Contribution to an IRA - Looking for ways to lower your tax? Taxpayer is eligible to contribute up to $6,500 to an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA). IRA's are a great way to .. blah blah blah"
Alerts Completed

I said "No Thanks" to the Tax Audit Defense

Finalizing Your Return - Are you interested in seeing all of your payment and refund options? YES or NO? YES brings you to ...

Consent to Use Form
We want to show all your eligible refund methods or payment options. The IRS requires that you must give consent to see all options that we offer.
I authorize TaxACT to use the information I've entered while preparing my 2014 tax return(s) to determine whether I qualify for services to pay for my tax preparation fees from my refund amount or receive my refund on a prepaid card.

NO (what I do) will bring you to:

Prior Year Comparison
- Comparing this year's return to last year's return is a great way to find possible errors. Differences could result from an incorrect entry or overlooked information that needs attention. If you would like to complete the comparison, you'll need to have your 2013 tax return available to provide 2013 information and to help reconcile any differences. I said No.

Then you get some HealthWatch 2015 thing about ACA. "Continue" ... Copy of your return? I said No Thanks (at $8.99 I know how to use a copier)