Quote Originally Posted by itsmymoney View Post

Why did you delete your #25 post today at 9:31 am? If anyone does not remember, NONOFED basically stated (NONOFED, correct me if I'm wrong) that if FRN's are also considered "lawful money", then how does the IRS/Fed know that we are demanding NON-Federal-Reserve "lawful money"? In other words, demanding our pay be redeemed by U.S. Treasury's funds outside any private credit being extended by the Fed either to the Treasury or to the suitors making the demand.

Here is an interesting notation about lawful money from the FRS website. Most of us know that the true definition of "lawful money" means the U.S Note/coinage variety, i.e. NON-FRN's. This website appears to stretch the true definition of "lawful money", and other than Milam, I don't know what other court cases state that FRN's are "lawful money" as such (meaning, NOT the true definition that we the suitors know it to be)... http://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/money_15197.htm

My point is: Why are 'we' not being more explicit in our demand? For example, perhaps something like the following...

"Lawful money and full discharge is demanded for all transactions explicitly with the U.S. Treasury, per 12 USC 411 and 95a(2)". Or the simpler...
"Demand in lawful money explicitly with the U.S. Treasury per 12 USC 411".

D555 (and others) have stated that we should not leave anything to chance, especially with these 'people'. So I'm curious why our current demand methods are not more explicit as to NOT wanting anything to do with the so-called "lawful money" of the Fed. My original demand letter to the Treasury back in 2013 states as such, the excerpt here...

"This demand is made for the express purpose of exercising my remedy under the law and to rebut the false and presumptive notion that I voluntarily endorse the private credit of the Federal Reserve. I expressly do not endorse private Federal Reserve credit in any form."

Perhaps I'm missing something here. I'm just surprised that we are not a little more emphatic in our novations.
I removed post because there wasn't a response to my questions and figured that I had most information I needed to proceed. I concluded that FRNs are FRNs regardless as there is no distinction between it, its printed by the FED, its source issuing authority is corrupt, is already in circulation, you cant change its nature, the deed is done. I want nothing to do with FRNs. Coin is considered lawful money, and the process i'm using to redeem is taking all cash and converting it to coin. In so doing I am redeeming for non-debt currency as coin, it has no association with the FED and is of the US Treasury. The banks can keep their FRN notes and I only do business in coin. Thus putting coin in circulation, creating a "demand", and not supporting FRN currency period. The FED has to purchase coin at face value from the treasury and is obligated to put it into circulation. Thus generating revenue for US Treasury and reversing debt incurred from the FED.