Firstly I'm surprised that the new law that has passed or about to be passed in the States concerning Net Neutrality, is NOT the number 1 Topic on this site, or any site for that matter. This bill that is making its way through the Hallowed halls of the DC will spell the END of the NET as we know it, and the last bastion of Free speech internationally will be done, and all under the guise of keeping the NET neutral, it will be more like neutered!. In fact if the Internet should fall under the FCC which it looks like it may, it's definition will go from "Information service" to an a Telecommunication service, and now falls under FCC federal Guide lines , and now leaves the government to literally tax the Crap out of it ,throttle it and of course ultimately control its content, all under the guise of "Net Neutrality....

Say good night to the freedom that was the Internet. This guarantee of Net Neutrality is a ruse to ultimately control the net to such an extent, as to render it toothless, inasmuch as it will be throttled, slowed down and of course the real agenda stop any and all free speech which shows the government for what it truly is. Eventually the new laws will ensure that free speech is curtailed, and for the most part muzzled. Any person ,Website like this one , or any ISP will either be fined, gagged & tagged for investigation, by the myriad of unconstitutional Alphabet Agencies for anything that resembles Seditious, or anti government rhetoric. Plus all the other countries that are led around by the nose of the US Government will of course follow suit with similar restrictive and anti government Rules Reg's, Acts and Statutes to leave the net a novelty, instead of a power tool for change.

The plan all along has never been about keeping the net free of all encumbrances...On the contrary, it was, has, and certainly will be about full and utter CONTROL of absolutely every thing that goes out on the net...WHY? because the NWO / Uber Elite /the PTB can ill afford free speech from any source, and the net was the last Bastion of Free Speech.The NWO and its affiliates are about to begin last phases of their End game to create the one world Government, currency, and Military, and with this control of the Net, out the US, will insure that they will now control literally every aspect of communication from any source, any time, any where, and because of that control can stamp out any resistance to their Agenda.

So ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy your Internet as it is truly free today, but mark my words the days of Net freedom are sadly numbered.