
Thank you. I think that my explanation will be quite helpful to anybody here to learn about remedy. I am a bit mixed that you continue these jabs at remedy even though they continually backfire.

Projecting my own experience on AJ's real life drama;

The stance is to go re-instate the driver license, and continue using it for only competency and responsibility purposes. At that time, it will likely reveal a bench warrant for Failure to Appear and AJ will be pushed for a bond amount and this will be set for trial - which is what he has set this up for all along. - To get that officer on the stand to either reveal that AJ never used the DL to identify himself a belligerent on the field of commerce, or to perjure himself on the stand by saying he doesn't remember; which is what the computer system and expeditious process is set up to accomodate.

The posture is based on the faithful fact that God will be the judge, not the attorney in the black robe. In my opinion AJ should be looking forward to the adventure and we should be encouraging him to share it with us in full detail - like he is doing. As he is competent at record-forming through the 'saving to suitors' clause in federal court with his evidence repository (LoR) his position of not accepting fiduciary appointment at the Stop, and maybe now the government is dishonest in its charter - for the first time in history - he might take the appointment over the resulting trust to affect Setoff himself?

This is really quite an exciting saga, speaking for myself anyway. Your jabs Motla68 help bring the details to light, but I cannot help but cringe a little at the embarrassment that must arise from being so hipocritical in front of everybody.


David Merrill.