Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseph View Post
well you have effectively ducked the entire argument. Tell me how those who know you can identify you? What is it about you that is so identifiable that other men lack?

Even the State cannot identify you. The State identifies its Person. Thank you for making my point.

Identity is a HUGE problem. Thus the Persona.

Who you are or who I am is of no consequence to this argument of what about me allows others to know with a surety it is me tomorrow. There is nothing about me that identifies me tomorrow.

Names change so a name cannot identify a man. If I met you today martin earl and we scheduled a time to meet tomorrow what about you would allow me to know it is you that I have met? There is nothing about you that strictly speaking can identify you tomorrow.

You ask why in the heck is he pushing this...BECAUSE the State created persons are used to mend the Impossibility of Identifying a man. The Person is easily identifiable - SSN, DL, DOB, etc. And if you even look remotely like the picture on the DL well then that's good enough. So then what if my identity is stolen - ROFLMAO.....my identity can never be proven - only the Person.

I do not believe i ever entered the option of Law to establish the identity of a man. How absurd. Law has no bearing in regard to the Physical Eyes (five senses) and the Spiritual Eyes.

Whether or not someone trusts in you has no bearing on your identity. I could care less about the State; the State has nothing to do with the Physical or Spiritual Identity of a man.

For those who think they can identify themselves, I open the door and put forth the challenge. Whether or not you deem it important, I could care less. The argument is that you cannot identify yourself. I'll wait.....
I have not dodged the argument, should YOU harm me, say, break my arm in a fight, without a mask or disguise, or if I could hold you at the scene until others arrived, I could IDENTIFY you as the man who broke my arm.

That is called witness. I can point my finger at you, in court and say "that is the man who broke my arm". Now, that is not to say you are guilty of a crime, just simple witness. Other witnesses could put you at the fight, and with enough eye witnesses, you could be convicted of a crime.

No name, no Date of Birth no PERSON needed. That is the way the law is supposed to work. You and I agree that nothing physical can identify me. I for one do not believe DNA is any indicator of a BODY since, I cannot testify if the DNA came from me, therefore, I cannot say if or who it DID come from. Does DNA even exist? I have never seen DNA and cannot be a witness to it.

I do not have to accept any "expert" opinion on the matter of DNA either, that would be bearing false witness, against me or another.

I have stood in front of the STATE High Priests and demanded they IDENTIFY me (remember, I used to be a police officer for these same people) they did not even try to tie me to the STATE Person. Not even a peep from my own neighbors (I was standing next to a former Sgt. of mine from the police department, he did not utter a word).

In fact, not even my "parents" can testify to my date of birth, place of birth or true name, because, reportedly, I was at least 3 days old when they became my "parents". I know of no man or woman on this earth that can identify ME.

That means is up to my Creator, and/or ME. I can identify me, it I am self-evident. HOW I chose to identify me is up to me.

However, you and I are in agreement, nobody else has the power to identify me, nor can I prove who I am, I fail to see why I would need to.

The Master recognizes His own, and I will recognize the Master, I hope. I cannot testify to the Fact that my Master even exists, since I have not seen Him with my physical eyes, thus faith is those things hoped for but NOT seen.

Testimony is those things seen and known, witness is not proof, only witness, but the law states in the mouths of 2 or 3 witnesses, the truth shall be established. That is the law for our physical realm.

I agree with you, no body can prove its own identity, that does not mean there is not a body.