Getting in my two cents edgewise - it gets a bit subjective about parameters. The simplest that I can portray that is:

This is described once again, by endorsement in the new trust - held in trust.

That describes the parameters of Schedule A - Assets. Therefore the proposal that nothing ever leaves the state is a bonding into the monetizing of sin in Israel, so to speak.

If you have signed your signature bond by endorsement, that would make a lot of sense since the bankers are banking on that signature bond, that you are held to it. That is the contractual nexus for considering your estate within the state as a chattel mortgage. Being that I brought up Israel; "so to speak" we should consider it a tenet of Jewish Law that one cannot keep a man's blankets collateral past sunset - he needs them to sleep. One cannot even charge him interest on a loan, strictly speaking, unless he is outside the Camp, so to speak.

Save yourself some time with that Chattel Mortgages article and look for the word "recordation". That is typically the county clerk and recorder where you will find the Deeds of Trust and Warranty Deeds attached to certain property. Again the man or woman's signature bond is published agreeing effectively that, I will allow that my blankets can be held for collateral past sunset. - And so it will be. Deuteronomy 15:1-3 and 23:20 do not apply to the Noachide - the foreigner and the stranger.

I am simply describing the parameters of trust. If you endorse elastic currency then you endorse false balances. You become an abomination to the LORD by your hand and therefore fall into the parameters of FDR's Trust formed in 1933. Scream and shout about it, if you signed up for it your signature stands describing where you really stand on the issue. The constitutions honor as sacred the obligations of contract.

There are many mental models that can function but the one that will settle the matter is the one that is agreed upon by all parties, or adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiction if there is a disagreement. Or maybe even settled by Trial by Fire.


David Merrill.