A situation is developing in the South western United States called Operation Jade Helm 15, and its implication for the oppression of the American people is frightening. OJH is the largest military exercise in the history of the US, and it will be conducted in July- September this summer.
This operation in actuality is Unconstitutional and for the most part in fact illegal, under that constitution.
I believe With the advent of Operation Jade Helm, I also believe that Armed US Troops inside the Canadian border locked and loaded is an ominous situation that IMO should be dealt with immediately. This story took a 4th page in the Calgary Sun, which is a part of the MSM bought and sold by the PTB . This situation is intolerable but this story has been pretty much buried on purpose ,and not given the importance it deserves so it will go unnoticed until it is to late.
I also believe OJH is a positioning of a military exercise that have nothing to do with training troops to fight in an urban environment in Europe, but specifically to oppress US Citizens with the coming collapse of the US Dollar. I predict that there WILL BE NO 2016 election as it is my belief that Obummer has already sanctioned a very serious False Flag event in or about the Southern States affected by OJH. Therefore HE WILL call for Martial Law thereby keeping his presidency indefinitely.
That said, Troops will already be positioned to suppress any uprising from the coming Crash and / or Collapse of the US Dollar and therefore the global economy, which in itself may be the catalyst to commence Agenda 21 in earnest in the States,and bring in the NWO, with Canada to follow shortly after.
I believe we will see an event sometime in mid July, but what ever happens things will never be the same again.
Further to my prediction, We will see the rounding up of citizens who have been flagged by the NSA,( because of their activity on the net or being a libertarian, Constitutionalists, or Military Vet or known militiamen). and sent to the new FEMA camps that have sprung up all over the US, these of course are the new modern day Concentration camps, as the US PTB are following the same methodology the SS and Gestapo did in the 1930's right until the end of WWII.
I have read in several different blogs that the US Militias are preparing counter measures for the Blood bath that will ensue if my predictions come true.The fact that since 911 especially in the US what with ,the Militarization of the Police Forces, the Illegal Invasion of Privacy by the NSA, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the Judiciary letting Murder by Cop become a Sanctioned everyday occurrence, the demonization of Libertarians, Constitutionalists,Tea Part Members, and US Vets the suppression of free speech, etc. the US is replete with every reason for the populous to take up arms and resist.
I fear we are seeing the rumblings of the next revolution in the US, but its ramifications will be felt globally.