Nimrodic worship is the foundation for every religion which denies the Creator/creation paradigm. Every religion which denies a personal God/Creator, who is active and present in our lives and Who is Providential in the affairs of man, the heavens and the earth, has its roots firmly planted in the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil".

Nimrod was the first man to organize and establish a worldly kingdom in opposition to his Creator. He summoned the power of the Evil One (The Adversary) and willfully rebelled against our Father in Heaven.

Name one faith/belief that exists in the world (*besides the true Body of Christ, the saints, the followers of Jesus of Nazareth as God incarnate) which believes in the eternal Creator/creation paradigm whereby our Father in Heaven will always be above His creation while also maintaining a personal and loving relationship with it/us?

None exists or have ever existed*.

There are only two religions that have ever existed or will ever exist; that which believes in the Creator/creation paradigm and that which does not.

Please know the definition of "religion" as I am using it here is as follows...

"conduct indicating a belief in a divine power," - said "divine power" being ONLY The Almighty Creator God, our Father in Heaven as proclaimed by Jesus of Nazareth.