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Thread: Gay ‘Marriage’ and the Revenge of the Gnostics

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  1. #12
    Re: Pedophilia (psychological) vs Nature (bio-spiritual)
    Pedophilia as a mental disorder is pretty much sexual attraction to someone of the opposite gender who has yet reached puberty. If the object of the attraction has reached at least 12 or 13 years of age, then such attraction would no longer be pedophilia by definition. The reasoning for this is that there is a invisible communication between the genders to support sexual processes. Those signaling systems are lacking between people of the same gender. Once a 12 or 13 y/o girl starts ovulating, visible signals, pheromones and other non-visible signals start functioning (among the visible signals would be: breasts, hips, hair, etc.).

    Scientific experiences were done that showed that male moths were attracted to female moths even when the female moths were sealed in containers. In other words, there are invisible radiations and communications that a man or female might respond to. The idea is that you would not be sexually attracted to someone that doesn't have the visible, chemical or radiant signals for sexual attraction--such as a little child or someone of the same gender. It is suggested that the genitals themselves are involved in the communication and testes even the sperm 'vibe' with a ready pair of ovaries or eggs. Women are said to have the strongest desire to have sex in such a manner as to prevent missing the chance to get an egg 'fertilized'--i.e. the female would be more forthcoming in her signalling around this time. Birth control pills, of course, put an unusual spin on things.

    Thusly, so-called 'sexual attraction' to the same gender would be primarily if not wholly psychological rather than at all bio-spiritual--it would be merely psychological. True sexual attraction would be bio-spiritual rather than mere psychological pleasure-seeking). In other words, the bio-spiritual systems of neither men nor animals communicate sexual attraction between the same gender. There are no processes for it. It would be a learned or programmed behavior. Of course, affection and fondness aren't sexual attraction. Love and sex are distinct and different--not at all the same.

    Eunuchs & Hysterectomies
    To knowledge, enunch and females that have hysterectomies (not widely published for medical $$$ reasons) lose sexual interests. Why? The non-visible signalling systems are no longer present. For the same reason, a 21 y/o man might not be sexually attracted to a woman who has reached menopause and has lost visible attractors (the super skinny woman fetish always struck me to be pedophilic subliminally because it pushes attraction to a rather underdeveloped pre-pubescent form...following that and more recently female models are starting to be selected for looking masculine).

    In view of the non-male-male-buggery-related facts, the biological arguments for male-male homosexuality fail.

    Lesbianism as a practice is merely throwing off men altogether--even seeking sexual pleasure without men. However, but I'd say 90%+ of the so-called "lesbians" I've met periodically have in stealth sought sexual encounters after men on a periodic bases (has to do with bio-chemistry of female reproductive system being 'unhappy' unless it receives semen from time to time). Most of them evidenced 'bad experiences' with males. However, the so-called 'lesbians' that tend to be 'hard care' have reached menopause (this again proves the point that homosexuality is without support in biological process). The biggest pushers of feminism and lesbianism on your local campus are likely to be femmes who have reached menopause. Their recruits: mainly 17+ year old girls who are ovulating and whom they aim to put to task for pleasure seeking (i.e. turning the young, tender girls into sex objects using baseless psycho-political mumbo jumbo as bait). Their tactics: psychological. Enough said.

    The eunuch and hysterectomy factors tend toward evidencing yet further the total lack of biological basis for male-male sexual attraction. Again natural affection, fondness or warm fuzzies among friends isn't sex.

    Poop Attraction
    There is a fetish called 'scat'. Perhaps there are those who would argue that those who have an affinity for such are 'sexually attracted' to feces.

    Re: homosexuality and DSMV
    Homosexuality was taken off the DSMV for political reasons such as the staff being bullied or being non-professional biased rather than for scientific reasons. Anyone that really understands sexuality's bio-spiritual mechanisms would see through much of the propaganda and lies. One isn't normally attracted to a little child because none of the signals are being put off to give rise to it (its worth noting that hormones in milk are changing the age-related timing for puberty in females ). Thusly a man isn't attracted to another man for bio-spiritual reasons (i.e. true sexual attraction is lacking) because sperm do not attract each other they compete with each other. Furthermore, who goes to a nightclub with poop scented cologne--normal people would be repelled by the smell. The biology-based arguments fall there. To wholly equate love with sexuality is of course part of yet another propaganda line. Men can love men without any sexual contact or connotation whatsoever. Sex and love are hardly synonymous.

    Male-male homosexuality and female-female homosexuality
    They are completely different for obvious bio-spiritual reasons. From observation, male homosexuals use "lesbians" as a propaganda shield to hide behind.

    Re: Pedophilia and Pedastery
    Perhaps they would view "gay person" with AIDs or some venereal disease spreading it to others even to little children would be "just who they are".

    So is there such as thing as "pedophobia" along with "homophobia"? Ah there is a big difference between fear (phobia) and disgust.

    Signs of A Degraded Society
    A lot is said when a society's members on the whole equate the age for starring in a porn movie with the age of consent for marriage or sex--totally different things but I'd say more than 85% of the people I've interviewed don't see the distinction (i.e. their view is one where all sex is porn--which isn't a Biblical view at all) reflecting that they regard sexual activity and pornography to be synonmous and have the rather conceited habit of presuming "everyone" to be like they themselves. At the same time, one might be surprised how many folks attempt to equate marriage and sex but then when you point out how easy it might be to "get laid" without being married their arguments start breaking down PDQ.'

    There are those who suggest that a man with more than one wife or desiring to have more than one wife "must be" a "sex maniac". But when the same man can get laid by a femme stranger he meets at a coffee shop within an hour of meeting, and then repeat again and again--marriage could not possibly be a sole motivation for sexual gratification. But yet "pedophiles" and "gays" are allegedly "normal". Doesn't add up.

    History seems to show that what happens when societies start heading for destruction: [1] women start being loose and throw off all regard for anything but for their pleasure (family and kids become of little to zero concern); [2] societies given to homosexuality have been destroyed one way or another as if it was some kind of signal of some kind that all lawful government had been disposed of and so..then came the end.

    Signs of A Degraded Society II: Economics of Pregnancy in the UK
    In the UK, they say that even 13 y/o girls admit to getting pregnant young for ECONOMIC REASONS--i.e. how much money they can get. Regard for family or sanctity of life isn't even necessarily in the picture. If 13 y/o girls are that 'hip' to 'the game' how hip might their moms be?

    Islam and other belief/political systems
    The marriage of grown men to 8 or 9 y/os is allegedly promoted or suggested in the Koran.

    Storing Seed In the Sewer
    If a farmer started throwing good seed into the toilet or storing it in the sewer, other farmer's might think something to be wrong with his head. Even gay male farmers. Enough said.

    Texas Sodomy Case Deception
    The case that allegedly 'overturned' sodomy laws, is the same case that promotes the notion of marriage having nothing to do with sex...but yet in Maine and other states they used the same case to excuse teaching little children sexual fetishes. If it has nothing to do with sex, why are they using the case as an excuse to teach sexual fetishes to 5th graders in Maine?

    The point though, isn't really to put down 'male homosexuals'. Its just, the arguments founded on fallacies are simply not founded on good foundations. Straight people should be allowed to be straight rather than be forced to accept someone else's sexual fetishes--because loving someone doesn't necessarily have anything to do with sex. Disgust is neither fear nor hatred. Besides, was any lawful government ever given authority to promote sexual fetishes?

    Perhaps see also: secular humanism (man as soulless animal), temple desecration, sex magick.

    Last edited by allodial; 07-07-15 at 02:42 AM.
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