
I just re-read your post and I was shocked concerning the statement that I believe that others are "more stupid" or "not as smart"....That is in no way what I propound. I write out of Love. If I don't care for anyone I would just say to hell with my brethren. I have put my back to the plow now for years in constant writings to those who mostly hate me. And to that end I say "who cares".

I cannot tell you how many times a week I get a "thank you" email from those timid souls who are resonating with an inner truth. We are all so wonderfully made. We are each a universe within. Thusly, I find that those who would maintain that I am beating them down in degradation are really just manifesting an emotional response in regard to esteem. Which is to say the ideals being discussed beat against their Linus Blanket of security. Or the illusion thereof. And thus they "feel" threatened. Especially if those ideas threaten the Ego's position concerning Heaven and Hell. We all want that security of Heaven now don't we?

I would however maintain that we are all awesome - even those who do not belong to my tribe. Whatever that means. Each and everyone of us can overcome - and when one wakes up to the truth that is cleverly hidden in all Myth's and Scriptures all around the world one will see that Jesus SHOWED the Way. Jesus did not say - Worship Me. Thusly I am tasked to Walk in The Way.

One's intellect matters not one bit to me. For the King of the Carnal Mind is just that "intellect". Of which is of course gained by experience and interaction with nature by and thru the Nervous Systems. A man parched of water will not be helped one bit by a cool drink of water. For the next day he is parched again and the body of flesh which he occupies will one day go back to dust. Thusly the hamster continues - once more around the wheel at Gilgal.

Make it a great day,
Michael Joseph