No idolatry means Bible worship too God gave Man Gods law just after or before the Hebrew Moses the dessert fox Egyptian re-venue as slaves from Pharaoh & Moe same court. short staffed out of frogs plagues and patience still God handed him a warrant or benefit just one more Hebrew offer put on stone for Christs sake God . The in chambers law was givin the 70 applicants practising attainment got the first gaming licence and casino in Mount Sy not since Abe tried to save 12 honest men sulphur springs a pillar of stone dash of salt its all punishment What law book say,s a bible is not a law book its in mans hands a mans court put a persons hand on the bible no glory given to god the court sorts out heathens one oath at a time.The greatest injury to any Man is facing the Truth all the Biblical Book is the account and the in-jury of facing the Truth once upon a time any man was killed for reading one if you found one as steeling one and then reading one never happened 1000 years of Latin illiteracy now every hotel motel and court house was built around them looking up at a motel ceiling or a courthouse ceiling gettin the book thrown at who.How much shit is a man going to hide and wheres the best place to hide it a BIG BLACK BOOK under BLACK ROBES with BLACK ARTS & CRAFTS half truth/half calf. Christ if he needs to be in a book he needs to be in court Christ forgave the book.No its not how justice works its who its made for that matters.