Really? show me one court case that proffers that... I went down that road years ago to no avail... why because it just is not true. Everything is ours and always has been it is just a slight of hand trick (see above) which convinces one that it is not. We are God so far as "it" or any fiction (government, Bank, corporation etc etc ) is concerned... can you tax God ?? NO! Can you tell God what to do? NO!! So why do you keep enslaving yourself to the toaster you made or bought (exchanged something of substance and value for in exchange) to make you toast?? It is utter hogwash and BS ... your about half way through your studies! Read the Statutes, a few hundred cases and find that they walk a very fine line to stay lawful yet allow morons to be mislead by their ignorance. Not to be rude just been there (bring a mislead moron/dumb ass) done that a few years ago.. Ask yourself one question... did the State create you? No! thus you are not a subject of the State and thus not Subject to the State, Bank, money, all upper case NAME or any of the paper so you are not subject to them!! They "all creations of the State are to benefit the people" just like that damn toaster was created to make your life better and thus "Happiness". Anything less is a malfunction and needs to be corrected.. fix it or throw it away/"throw off" just as you would a rain coat on a sunny day "as it pleases you". If you are happy being yoked with "debt", false obligations etc then keep doing what you've been doing, but do NOT impose it upon any other!!!! Thank you..

Quote Originally Posted by motla68 View Post
All this and neither one of those monetary system are yours, if you did not print it you are using someone else's money to buy things and not returning the receipts therefore the tax man will continue to come after you. We can skirt Income taxes and some other taxes with Public Money, but still it is not our money. Courts are not our laws either, unless you formed a committee to help create a law, it is not your law, but we keep making the mistake of interfering in it. The documents you used to get that bank account you deposit that money in is not yours either, all you can really do is make a stand on right of possession and use of the equity in which were created by your energy in exchange for depositing the receipts to treasury.

You want to rebuild the Republic then lets build it, you cannot build it if you keep taking everything out of it.