My response to the above:


Dear Fred,

First I want to thank you for a timely response dated XXXXXX, 2015 and received by me on XXth, even though it was unresponsive to what I specifically required to be addressed. Second, I presume from the letterhead “Fred XXXX, XXXX County Property Appraiser” and signed by Helen XXXX, as General Counsel that Ms. XXXX is your authorized representative/agent and had your consent to respond in the manner which she did. Since it was my intent to address you personally and privately, I presume by Ms. XXXX's response that it is your preference to make this a non-private matter.

If I understand your oath of public office correctly, you are required to uphold the Constitution and the Government of The United States as well as the [laws of the] State of Florida. It is my desire too to support this idea and this is why I am writing you again in order to correct a possible misunderstanding on either part. Your attorney, Helen XXXXX suggested that you comply with STATUTE XXXX. Please thank Ms. xxxxxx for clarifying this. However, the issue had to do with 31 USC 3124. I believe that the United States Code supercedes state statutory code, though I may be incorrect. This specific question with regard to 31 USC 3124 was not specifically answered. Since Ms. XXXX's chose to reference STATUTE XXXX, can you please provide your definition of the word/phrase “cash or its immediate equivalent”?

It is my belief that the words referred within the STATUTE XXXXX “cash or its immediate equivalent’ would include Federal Reserve Notes or debt obligations of the Untied States. If in your definition the word “cash or its immediate equivalent thereof” excludes Federal Reserve Notes or debt obligations of the United States, can you please provide your definition? Yes, I fully understand and agree that under your STATUTE XXX there are other factors you are required to adhere to in deriving just valuation. It is not necessary to discuss these other factors. The only concern is your definition of “cash or its immediate equivalent”.

I am not interested in anything to do with the millage rate, as I am not sure why Ms. XXXX brought this up in the first place. The question specifically has to do with the use of debt obligations of the Untied States or Federal Reserve Notes in assessing property value within the County of Broward AND THEN APPLYING THAT PROPERTY VALUATION BASED UPON DEBT OBLIGATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE COMPUTATION OF THE TAX BY A STATE OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF A STATE. I am not sure if Ms. XXXXXX did not understand the question? I am not sure why Ms. XXXXX chose to accept and then convert $1.00 to certify a copy and return a “valueless thing” where there was a required a wet ink signature for your true and accurate property tax assessment for parcel number XXXXX based upon the market value in Federal Reserve Notes.

As previously suggested to you with [DATE OF 1ST LETTER ABOVE] demand, it is required by the state for the citizens, persons or residents who request benefits, subject to liabilities, to provide a wet ink signatures on state forms. Therefore, it would not seem unreasonable to require the same requirement upon a public officer declaring the property tax assessment complies with ALL the laws of the land. Since “this service was paid for” with a Federal Reserve Note, I am not quite sure how Ms. XXXXXX can convert a contractual intent into something clearly not intended. I can forgive Ms. XXXXX conditioned upon that she can forgive me, if I have made any errors in my understanding or any other matter from these two correspondences.

Anyway, to make it very easy so there is no misunderstanding. I will ask the questions again and know that they will be answered directly, completely and honestly by you or your authorized agent.

1. As property appraiser, at anytime during your process to assess the value of property within the County of XXXX within the State of XXXXX within the United States for the purpose of property tax assessment, do you use in any form, manner or specie whatsoever, in whole or part a debt obligations of the United States or Federal Reserve Notes to determine any part of the assessed valuation? YES OR NO

2. If you use debt obligations of the United States or Federal Reserve Notes in the assessed property valuation and then that valuation amount is used to compute a tax, does this violate 31 USC 3124? YES OR NO

[whether you send the actual property tax bill in November or another XXXX County agency such as the XXXX County Tax Collector, this question should be interpreted with your knowledge of a fact to answer the question directly]

3. If you do not define at any time “the present cash value of property or the immediate equivalent thereof” to include debt obligations of the Untied States or Federal Reserve Notes, please define your exact meaning of cash or immediate equivalent thereof?

4. If you use something other than debt obligation of the United States [18 USC 8, 12 USC 411] or Federal Reserve Notes, are you, as property appraiser able to tell me if this same “specie or other than debt obligations of the Untied States” can be used to discharge the debt obligation for parcel numberXXXXXX at the time of the presentment of the property tax bill which arrives in November 2015? YES OR NO

5. In the previous correspondence dated XXXXX, I required that you, as property tax assessor or appraiser to provide your wet ink signature and return the actual Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and Proposed or Adopted Non-Ad Valorem Assessments thereto attached. This property tax assessment was to be signed by you, Fred XXXXX as a duly authorized Constitutional Officer as attesting to the accuracy and truthfulness of the actual individual “2015 Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and Proposed or Adopted Non-Ad Valorem Assessments for XXXX, ANTHONY, with the following statement: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. property tax assessment based upon the market value in Federal Reserve Notes on January 1, 2015 for Parcel Number XXXXXX.” Executed on (date). (Signature)”. This verbiage is hereto attached to your 2015 Notice for your convenience. When signed with wet-ink signature, please return original to Anthony XXXX.

6. If you will not sign this statement as outlined in question 5 above, please state the reason.

Your failure [now willful and intentional] to respond directly, honestly and completely, THIS TIME, within five (5) business days after receipt, is your tacit agreement that you use debt obligations of the Untied States in your assessed property valuation and then from that property valuation a tax is computed from that assessed property valuation in violation of 31 USC 3124. Therefore your property tax assessment for 2015 for parcel number XXXXXX is non-compliant with the United State statutory requirements. Please Note: To respond that your office does not give out legal advice or that I should seek legal counsel is a non-responsive response and deemed dishonorable. I am not looking for opinions or legal advice, just the facts. If I had made any error in my understanding in whole or part, I first ask that your forgive me and then secondly, to help me by correcting my mistake and misunderstanding, as we are all fallible.

Fred, I am not trying to back you or your office in any corner or get away with anything. My Good Faith intent is to support and aid the United States during its declared national state of emergency which dates back to the 1930s [12 USC 95a]. I hope you can agree with my support of the United States and let’s work together to help reduce the national debt for the future generations. This is why I go though this exercise. And maybe if you understood the why behind all this, you may even appreciate [though not necessarily like] what I am trying to accomplish for future generations.

If you would like to discuss the matter in private, I am open to this, please let me know in writing, otherwise I will require a direct, complete and honest response within five [5] business days.

Thank you, May God Bless You [And I do mean this], as I trust that Almighty God will guide you as you go,
By: Anthony [seal]