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Thread: The Islamic Origins of Talmudic Judaism

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  1. #1
    The Talmud being the "oral tradition" passed down through the generations of those who purport to have gained "secret" knowledge and/or special understanding of scripture which only "they" received. These are the continuation of "fools, hypocrites, blind guides, whited sepulchers, murderers, generation of snakes, members of the synagogue of satan, etc."; how Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees of his day.

    All "religions" which deny Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior are the SAME. There are only two faiths that exist; those who claim Jesus of Nazareth, Creator God incarnate, as Lord and those that do not. There are many faces, costumes, rituals, texts, ceremonies, festivals, chants, etc. and they all have one thing in common; the denial of Jesus of Nazareth as the only Way, Truth and Life.

    The "spinoffs" and "offshoots" started after the scattering of Nimrod's Babylon; each group keeping elements of the original false religion and making it their own.

  2. #2
    Abrahamic religions (also Semitic religions) are monotheistic religions of West Asian origin, emphasizing and tracing their common origin to Abraham or recognizing a spiritual tradition identified with him. They comprise one of the major divisions in comparative religion, along with Indian and East Asian religions. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the largest Abrahamic religions.

    The largest Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism (1st millennium BC)[specify], Christianity (1st century AD) and Islam (7th century AD).

    Abrahamic religions with fewer adherents include Rastafarianism, Samaritanism, Druzism (sometimes classified as a branch of Shia Islam),Mandaeism, Bábism and the Bahá'í Faith.

    At their core aren't they all basically the same anyway ?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post

    There are only two faiths that exist; those who claim Jesus of Nazareth, Creator God incarnate, as Lord and those that do not.
    Well, that doesn't sound like a very loving attitude, does it?

    Let me guess...those who don't espouse your view are going to be made to pass through the eternal and unquenchable the very same "God" who supposedly loves them...sounds to me like some hateful stuff. Are you sure that the l-rd won't say {to you}...away from me you evil doer....never knew ye..remind us all where that's found, again?
    Last edited by ohiofoiarequest; 12-30-15 at 03:25 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ohiofoiarequest View Post
    Well, that doesn't sound like a very loving attitude, does it?

    Let me guess...those who don't espouse your view are going to be made to pass through the eternal and unquenchable the very same "God" who supposedly loves them...sounds to me like some hateful stuff. Are you sure that the l-rd won't say {to you}...away from me you evil doer....never knew ye..remind us all where that's found, again?
    For you to conclude anything hateful from a mere statement of fact, tells us more about your presuppositions than mine.

    It is not "my view", it is actually a sound and logical statement; either one chooses to believe that Jesus is God incarnate or not, is there any middle ground? That is what ALL other religions have in common and why the original and fundamental faith of Jesus is distinct from all of them.

    I did not add any commentary as to anyone's final destination or what they might "pass through", that is your preconceived notion regarding the hearts and minds of "Christians" who, in your experience, have not shown you a "loving attitude". I am saddened by your experience, however, please do not lump me in that category.

    Actually, I believe that the highest expression of love is to share the good news with someone. The freedom to choose gives relevance and meaning to love; would you rather force someone to love you or have them choose to love you?

    God created us all with the freedom to choose; ask, seek and knock so you can choose wisely.

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