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Thread: Who Hardened Pharoah's Heart?

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  1. #2
    Add: the Babylon-centric model conceals the Ancient Egyptian Dynastic associations of Israel by putting up a false model. By keeping in mind the truth about ancient Israel's association with ancient Egyptian dynasties Genesis is made more lucid as why Pharaoh was EXPECTED and could be REQUIRED to behave a certain way. Otherwise, the impression is that some foreigner has the audacity to walk into some foreign country and tell a man what to do or be damned. That is not at all what ocurred!

    Imagine a King that stops wanting to adhere to ancient principles because some smooth-talking Guru-Swami starts talking to him about fancy New Agey talk and so thinking himself to be God and the All of the All he starts doing things he shouldn't. He even mistakes the kingdom and world as his own without peer. So along comes someone who is aware of the original doctrine and the truth obligations of the King. That King decides to shrug it off THRICE and so pays the penalty for it. (Imagine Pharaoh saying "The Egyptian Constitution is just a piece of paper. I can do what I want!"--ancient neoliberalism ) Remember, Moses was an Israelite, a descendent of Levi not of Judah (i.e. a Levite not a Judahite). Moses was also Egyptian royalty.

    The idea of Moses being some foreigner who waltzed into Egypt and combated with the Egyptian royals and won because of some genetic bloodline that gave him the right to thwack Egypt over the head--that is not the Bible story.

    The descendents of Israel fka Jacob went under a tutelage period, Pharaoh breeched (i.e. contempt of court).

    Tharbis: Mose's Ethiopian Wife
    Did Moses Marry a Cushite? Early Traditions Suggest He Did
    Last edited by allodial; 02-16-16 at 09:20 AM.
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