When the State application is appropriate,The pathways as a major shareholder in liberty, security, and prosperity through a mix of theory and application of law, economics, and spirituality? WHY is the formation of a fictional persona necessary ,is it to provide protection from that application of law being the engine of economics is our lawmakers legislative legacy.Folks unwittingly legitimize application with begging that indulgence for compliance that liberty security, and prosperity is dependent on applicable arrangements .For any infringement to application is truly spiritual in nature.I can see it but those physical endorsements are my impairment the Cesar salad syndrome or BRETTON has left us in the WOOD with the wolves. Once you are defiled, you can't get back your purity by any means, instead, you will only look for ways to be defiled over and over again. Wont get fooled again or unfoolfilled no deadlines on endorsement . Shik the wisdom is always in the storm the oak is that evidence just another reed gettin bent but never broken.