P.S. Thank you Allodial;

Your library is quite admirable I am sure. You have clarified a few crucial points for me. It may be tainted with projection but my intuitive interpretation of the Book of Mark through Christianity Explored stands intact. You cast aspersions on Babylonian and Nebuchadnezzar interpretations wisely. [A man attributed with changing names and even altering the alphabet, disabling communication, is to be watched closely regarding his honor.] I however still honor the Prophet Daniel BELTESHAZZAR mostly out of NASA's SkyGlobe freeware showing these celestial events actually were happening, and even then, they depict a different story than adopted by the Constantine Christians.

In that demonstrates the need for Keys. - Which is Michael Joseph's bailiwick as I understand things. MJ has a wonderful gift of describing the Keys found in the Information concealed in parable and other allegorical metaphor.

My thanks is extended to all three of you.