My response is to think of SSI as insurance. Now especially if you have been paying premiums for 40+ quarters (10 years) then you are eligible for "old age" insurance payouts, as I call it.

I don't have a SSN.

This means that it is an identifier for that insurance policy. Why would I give it to anybody. So instead of them prying and coercing me for it, I simply tell them I do not have one. I am sure that the insurance company does not want me talking about my policy to third parties anyway. I recall the older cards saying, NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTIFICATION. - Something like that.

So parse through it, like a grammatical project.

What they will do if they need the SSN to proceed is use the one on file? So why did they insist so fiercely that I provide it if they already had it?! ANSWER: They need my consent to use it for ID purposes. If ANYBODY uses the SSN for anything without your consent that is probably Identity Theft; especially if they are utilizing it for a transaction like Booking.

So if they just use the one already on file in Booking, you can bet if you sued the Sheriff for that, or tried to charge him with theft of some sort, the Lieutenant on duty would just say that you told it to him (gave your consent to use it).

So far as the bank goes, they need to identify you as an INDIVIDUAL.

That one is quite easy to parse out. Individuals are alone and separate. AKA - sinner. Death/Debt/Doubt (God loves you). This puts you into their religious registration as those who need to make sacrifice to appease an angry and jealous God. - A god of religious manufacture, made up out of the guilt of converting love into currency.

Next time you see a homeless man or woman pull out $5 or $20 and ask, Do you need some money? You will start to get it. Go to a different bank and give the the number of the policy, put your demand on the Signature Card. Here is some advice. When they want you to sign a digital pad tell them that you need a true paper copy, to be a responsible fiduciary for the trust you are arranging. They should be able to accommodate you and provide you a pen and paper Signature Card.

If you have been walking away from ANYTHING that you sign without a copy in your hand, then make sure that you just write, "Lawful Money." and nothing else. Make your demand for redemption clear.

The patriot mythology is like self-flagellation. You will never get ahead and prosper until you study trust law. Click on my signature to get started at Lawful Money Trust.