Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
The reason why a thug who can hardly speak English can get the girl and an academic liberal who knows 10 languages doesn't: its the mere appearance of dominance. IMHO, the academic would do best to learn to drop the liberal nonsense and would get better results by learning to literally laugh girls who attempt to play him for a fool. Consider, once I coached a friend about ladies. First he resisted the truth. Eventually, he applied it. He could not believe the positive results.

Don't think you're the man - know you're the man. And with this knowing females will present themselves. Confidence as it were is the most sexy cologne. But said confidence is merely a lure. Knowledge of the Temple keeps em coming back for more. I speak now to both the physical and the mental realms.

Some men think themselves inadequate - as per the constant barrage of propaganda from those who would seek to keep man-kind in a state of discontent and thusly desire. But in reality with knowledge a "small" man can turn a lady upside down and inside out and she will be left in total amazement. In reality all men have what it takes to please a woman both sexually and mentally and to say that men and women are incompatible is to really say that the man or the woman is totally ignorant of the Temple.

Just as society [as a woman] is manipulated thru want, fear and desire also too is a lady manipulated in her emotional state by one who understands her nature. To one skilled at NLP it is like shooting fish in a barrel. But is it true or even real? Actually no. It is just another game of empty promises and lustful fulfillment. In the end, there is no joy in manipulation. In fact, both parties are left empty and cold - seeking another encounter to satisfy the "coldness" inside.

Knowing the emotional game of irrational manipulation, I am compelled NOT to play the game - because I hate it. I hate that men and women have fallen into such a state of slumber as to allow themselves to be manipulated - even without their very knowing. In fact most times the one who is being manipulated is so unaware of the manipulation that he or she actually loves and is attracted to the one performing the manipulation.

The PTB know that she craves security and she will give up just about anything in order to have the "illusion of security." When I saw those twin towers come down I was reminded of Moses and Elijah appearing on the Mount of Transfiguration. The Law and the Prophets can be summed up in one law - Love. Nevertheless, if the sun has grown dark and the heart therefore cold, then in fact those twin pillars are no more - and she is battered and bruised.

I don't necessarily view this from an individual interaction, although I must admit that is how relationships are developed - most times. But I look at these matters as "social psychology". I remember when Jennifer Aniston got her famous "haircut" when she was in that insane show called "Friends". How many of the young ladies go out to "copycat" J.Aniston's hairdoo? Is this not the 100th monkey effect? What happened to individuality? Perhaps to be an individual with his or her own flavor or style is to be akin to having leprosy by todays standards?

But then again, the one who is confident enough to be with his or her own style most times obtains the largest reward. My dad used to tell me "have the confidence to be yourself, because you can't please everyone - so don't even try to please everyone." Thank you dad for that one!

The other day a woman came on to me and I told her I was married. She asked why I don't wear a wedding ring - it is confusing. I explained to her that it was not her who chooses if I reciprocate to her advances - it is me. And I know I am married! And I am loyal to my vows and no piece of metal is going to be an idol before the temple of my MIND.

Do I care one bit about what she thought of my response? Not in the least! Married folk cheat on each other all the time. And no ring of metal is going to keep anyone from keeping their word. For one has honor or one does not have honor.

Girls just want to have fun is damn right - Silly little fools being drawn by their "privates" check their mind at the door and are "tossed to and fro by the strong wind and raging waves" of this life. Have the courage to grab hold to the "Oar of Freewill" - for at once our greatest asset and our greatest liability is CHOICE.
