Hello again group...

Since I am in the "freshman" class, I am still in the de-bunking/learning stage.
You accumulate so much baggage over the course of many years of study, and obviously not everything will be legitimate... especially in the "Patriot/paytriot" community.

One of the techniques many have talked about on Talkshoes, blogs, etc. is of the Open and Notorious Notice set up as a public record in one's local newspaper. That of publishing a legal notice for 3 weeks, informing the world that you (I) am NOT a US Citizen, not a 14th amendment citizen, etc. with a cut-off date for rebuttals. I heard someone refer to it as a "condition precedent".

I would like to know your opinions on this. It seems that if something like this is done, and you get a certified copy recorded in your local county, this would also be something to include in your evidence jacket.

Am I totally off-base on this, or does this idea have merit?

Thank you all...