
Great Video, I myself came across this: https://youtu.be/eSOwzZ-kuiE

After listening, I apologize to the forum by my ignorance and how I carried myself with so many questions and impatience in my posts.

I also would like to share what I've done today, to share this experience...

Last year, I relapsed, "It" was Charged with Public Drunkeness, Poss. of sm amt. (marj.). went to the Mag. and "attempted" out of ignorance to challenge jurisdiction, ended with a plea for summary fine [parole therefore, wasn't able to violate "it"] of 750 and 12 mo. unsupervised probation... There seems to be a controversy... This is my response:

Attachment 4213Attachment 4214Attachment 4215Attachment 4216

However, I am clean now, it still is a learned lesson on how much a bad decision can cost you, it doesn't always have to be financially. by me making that decision to impair myself to where I am stumbling obviously noticeable I do put someone at risk. I think I lost hold of that control that I must not let happen. after all it is all about the people like the video the Gentleman above shared. Sorry it took me a while o upload and now forgot who exactly posted the video. I like reading everyone's post, it brings good insight.