I have received a Backup Withholding Notice from the IRS I was legally married in 2007, and it has somehow affected my financial obligations to the IRS. My friend Sealhunter31 had referred me to this web site in order that I may learn how to protect myself from IRS garnishments and other false claims that I am obligated to perform. He is instructing me in redeeming lawful money, but is less experienced in the tax paperwork. I am a Spanish speaking Mexican-American, and would appreciate if anyone knowledgeable in this area speaks Spanish to assist as well. We are running short on time right now, so I'll begin with where we are at and to figure out what the next step is.

On my next paycheck (today) I will begin endorsing my check with redeemed lawful money per 12 USC 411. How long do I have to be redeeming lawful money, before I can stop the garnishment of my wages, and How do I get all of the money back that I have ever been taxed?

Thank you for your time.