Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
It would seem that the clerk believes Mr. WOLSKI is recused in that WOLSKI makes it clear that this ORDER is not to be published, yet it is.

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Let me see if I got this right. It seems that the State of Colorado is a closed loop. So who will administrate and chastise the administration of the State should the administration go rogue. For it seems on one hand they quote all souls are subject to the higher powers, but on the other, it seems there is no power to chastise or give judgment against one who has gone rogue.

If a system has gone rogue - how to fix? Who has the power? I wonder - who - indeed. Since the lands are Papal Lands under conquest, it would seem that the Pope would have the power. And since, you have exhausted administrative remedy and found at that level a judge absent a valid oath, it seems the system has gone awry.

Is there anyone who can help a Widows son? Get it? The true ecclesia has been widowed by a husbandman who died to carnality. And now when one comes forth with a valid claim in class action to clean up this "hog slop" one is met with stagnation in support of a corrupt unmolified purtified mess. It seems a male prostitute has married a whore - that about sums it up.

Who shall right the ship? Upon what Canon will that one rely? Under what authority will come forth the Will to turn away the takers? There is but one authority.....

Now comes David Merrill in Ministerial Capacity of Our Father in Christ: Speaking now in the hope of restoration in this wonderful year of Jubilee - claiming now in the Providence of God - for I Am one sent forth from the Pre-Existent One...... you get the point.

Who can turn back a wayward ship? Wind? Spirit? Shall the Four Winds turn direction?

Is it no wonder that the GOSPEL OF THOMAS was not Canonized? (comments added) - Reference work by Robert Ferrell:

95) [Jesus said,] If you (Those of the Early Church) have money, (Keys, mysteries; the true wealth) do not lend it at interest, (As a buyer or seller; for your own gain) but give [it] to one (The Elect who are to come--verse 109) from whom you will not get it back.

109) Jesus said, The Kingdom is like a man (In the Early Church) who had a [hidden] treasure (This spiritual-level revelation) in his field (Religion where the seed was sown across this worldly age) without knowing it. (The Logos was in the world, but it did not know; John1:10) and [after] he died, (He lost sight of the keys, the mystery,and the Scriptures being held back) he left it to his son (The Protestants). The son did not know (about the treasure). He inherited the field (The Scriptures on an earthly level) and sold [it] (and the treasure of knowledge in the process; along with the rejected books). And the one who bought it (The Elect, who believed the word) went plowing (Created good, tilled soil in his heart for the word) and (By doing so) found the treasure (The keys, mysteries, and the upper-level meaning). He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished. (Using the money given by one who would not get it back--verse 95.)


He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. Let us redeem the time in love even to those who are bound in such a system.
