a system which the good side is always winning
practical politics
a very practical arrangement for a successful
ongoing game playing at a contained conflict

play contained conflict . Greek or Roman drama a mask worn by the actors persona the MASKED aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.and because they acted MASKED on open-air stage the mouth was shaped like small megaphone. And that would project the sound so the person is the mask [arraignment] the role and the plot is played by the actor and if you think you're that actor
or forget your just acting in a that role its attachment. Then you been taken in by your own role you're enrolled to be a real person which if translated literally is how to be a
genuine fake. [spellbound in chanted]the maze is at your own mines and the entanglements have your own affairs but way back in ones head that some will hardly admit is a class you been brought up saying most viewers were brought up in the
Hebrew Christian tradition.In God we trust eye for eye hippy/critical long hairs gone with the book.Both have quite different ways dealing with my fundamental questions

What is a man that is who are you and in the Hebrew Christian answer
Its more or less well I'm me I'm [I am] John James.period
I firmly believe I am not the Actor I am no good for this part.
Example the Orthodox Protestant Bible type or if you're
Roman Catholic you can't believe that you are like God
and so that excludes Hinduism
apparently but let's go back to Judaism
and ask this question
if Judaism is the true religion can Christianity be true to
Because one thing in Christianity that the Judaism doesn't admit son of God let alone
that the Jesus Christ was God that
is unthinkable for all Judaism than any man was
was indeed God in the flesh alright
Now if Christianity is the true religion can Judaism be true to
the answer is yes because all Christianity is Judaism
that is to say they have taken in the Jewish religion lock stock and barrel
in the Old Testament into their own religion every Christian is a Jew pass
something else.So the business is law not acting or identifies a Man no matter what dessert or tent you stumbled out of or into. Theater of War.The nature of God is teaching the truth.