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Thread: The Realm of the Serpent

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  1. #1
    Interesting about CAMERON and his films; his affinity for the "class struggle" doctrine as presented by the works of Karl MARX is subtle but present.

    It goes without saying that Hollywood is rife with Leftist, Secularist, Humanist, etc. types who use the platform to propagandize while entertaining mostly unsuspecting crowds. It's no wonder those who adhere to such ideals would participate in falsely branding Jesus The Christ with the ridiculous accusations depicted in BLOODLINE and DAVINCI CODE.

    The medium is the perfect tool for the infiltration of these evil ideologies into a society so as to break down the traditional values, faiths and beliefs which sustain a people who prefer to get their moral compass and clarity from a Greater Source.

    Marxist Overtones in Three Films by James Cameron

    Decent article.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Interesting about CAMERON and his films; his affinity for the "class struggle" doctrine as presented by the works of Karl MARX is subtle but present.

    It goes without saying that Hollywood is rife with Leftist, Secularist, Humanist, etc. types who use the platform to propagandize while entertaining mostly unsuspecting crowds. It's no wonder those who adhere to such ideals would participate in falsely branding Jesus The Christ with the ridiculous accusations depicted in BLOODLINE and DAVINCI CODE.

    The medium is the perfect tool for the infiltration of these evil ideologies into a society so as to break down the traditional values, faiths and beliefs which sustain a people who prefer to get their moral compass and clarity from a Greater Source.

    Marxist Overtones in Three Films by James Cameron

    Decent article.
    I was in your camp for a few decades of my life. Now it seems rediculous to accuse God of anything, like he is not where you are at, the accuser - much less of necromancy and reanimation. It seems so unnatural to conjure up such extraordinary one-time events.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I was in your camp for a few decades of my life. Now it seems rediculous to accuse God of anything, like he is not where you are at, the accuser - much less of necromancy and reanimation. It seems so unnatural to conjure up such extraordinary one-time events.
    Perhaps you take a pantheistic view? God making laws for men didn't make him subject to the same laws. Similar the creator establishing laws and nature for creation doesn't make the creator subject to the laws which govern creation. Its just your idea that God is somehow bound to do what he tells creation to do seems very odd to me. I'm just not sure how logic would follow that someone who creates a company and restricts it to farming corn somehow becomes locked into farming corn himself. A parent requires a teenager to go to bed at 9:30PM on school nights, how does that become a requirement for the parent to go to bed at 9:30PM?

    You yourself quoted typed something like "the lord giveth the lord taketh away". That means if someone takes your life, the lord can giveth it back if he sees fit. Perhaps you are looking to some doctrine other than that which is referred to in the Tanach, Pentateuch or NT?

    Also, I've yet to find any evidence that the laws given to the Israelites during the Exodus were ever made universal law.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-24-16 at 05:00 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by allodial View Post
    Perhaps you take a pantheistic view? God making laws for men didn't make him subject to the same laws. Similar the creator establishing laws and nature for creation doesn't make the creator subject to the laws which govern creation. Its just your idea that God is somehow bound to do what he tells creation to do seems very odd to me. I'm just not sure how logic would follow that someone who creates a company and restricts it to farming corn somehow becomes locked into farming corn himself. A parent requires a teenager to go to bed at 9:30PM on school nights, how does that become a requirement for the parent to go to bed at 9:30PM?

    You yourself quoted typed something like "the lord giveth the lord taketh away". That means if someone takes your life, the lord can giveth it back if he sees fit. Perhaps you are looking to some doctrine other than that which is referred to in the Tanach, Pentateuch or NT?

    Also, I've yet to find any evidence that the laws given to the Israelites during the Exodus were ever made universal law.
    Rejecting the Creator/creation paradigm is at the core of this belief. Nothing unique about it; it is just repackaged Babylonian / Pagan / Gnostic / Theosophic / Pantheistic doctrine which demotes the Creator as being on an equal plane with His creatures and/or His creation.

    Some claim to be God, some claim "God is Everywhere" meaning that He is not a Unique and Personal Being who is ALWAYS greater and above His creation as a Loving Father.

    The humanistic mind cannot fathom a greater, higher and more powerful source to whom it owes its life and whose commands it must obey. Nothing new under the sun.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BLBereans View Post
    Rejecting the Creator/creation paradigm is at the core of this belief. Nothing unique about it; it is just repackaged Babylonian / Pagan / Gnostic / Theosophic / Pantheistic doctrine which demotes the Creator as being on an equal plane with His creatures and/or His creation.

    Some claim to be God, some claim "God is Everywhere" meaning that He is not a Unique and Personal Being who is ALWAYS greater and above His creation as a Loving Father.

    The humanistic mind cannot fathom a greater, higher and more powerful source to whom it owes its life and whose commands it must obey. Nothing new under the sun.

    You project.

    Click Here: The understanding of the entire Judeo-Christian mysticism rests in the letter Beth. If we have not understood the letter Beth, we have not understood the Jewish or Christian religion.


    In other words, when the King, the Being, God, comes into our house, which is ourselves, then Genesis can happen. Genesis (to generate) really means creation - the creation of the man in the image of that King, or the image of God. This is the very fundamental basis of religion: the union between ourselves and God...
    I am not asserting that referring to God outside yourself is bad. The sustained conviction so is utilized for commercial priestcraft, and even weaponized in Christianity. But that is simply my opinion.
    Last edited by David Merrill; 11-24-16 at 08:44 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    I am not asserting that referring to God outside yourself is bad. The sustained conviction so is utilized for commercial priestcraft, and even weaponized in Christianity. But that is simply my opinion.
    So it not only depends on who the speaker is and who is spoken to in the Bible, it also depends on what you mean by "God" or "god". If money is a man's god then money in his pocket is wherever he is. The commercial priestcraft you speak of very much seems to be something other than orthodox and de jure Christianity (OT+NT).

    If "God" or "god" for you is is impersonal, energy, atoms OK that is one thing. It might be truer to say that "a god is everywhere because everywhere there is man there is some object of worship" but that doesn't mean its the same 'god'. The OT and the NT speak of a personal, intelligent, god, godhead that is intelligently designed and systematic. If the psychic radiation is one's god then OK maybe its "everywhere" that one goes.

    When the NT or OT saints were writing they were writing as INSIDERS not outsiders. It is widely held that the books after the first four gospels are INTERNAL and are only to those who believe and have gone through or are going through regeneration. To read those books as a watered down 'universal' literature written "to everyone" leads to error. The 'dirty' did not enter the Temple. The Ezekiel Temple might be open to EVERYONE but does everyone necessarily cross the threshold to enter?

    If Jesus was addressing a crowd of the faithful who had been baptized (mikveh) and had been cleaned and told them "greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world" he clearly wasn't talking to the world generally, but instead to the regenerate. IT IS MADE VERY CLEAR THAT THEY WERE BAPTIZED DISCIPLES RATHER THAN JUST CURIOUS, SPECULATIVE ONLOOKERS.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    Exactly the mathematics I embrace - UNITY. I AM THAT I AM is me. I only reject that He is apart from me. But you have malformed imagery of the holographic, in my opinion. As does the preacher eloquently described in the opening post. It makes no mathematical sense that the vibrations in one chakra be cancelling or negating health in another, unless of course the patient is sick.]
    It is unmistakable that each chakra is regarded to vibrate at a different level (the colors are different frequencies). If the lowest chakra rises up to the crown to dominate the crown then YOUR ENTIRE BIO-SPIRITUAL STRUCTURE WOULD BE DEMOTED: that is the 'awakening' that is has been suggested by many which is really an inversion of control. Witches and occultists have a problem with de jure Christians: they cannot penetrate the spiritual field that surrounds them. The regenerated saint has a strong top down flow which QUICKENS the body, raising its vibration. If the lower chakra is raised to the crown the unmistakable and inarguable result: just as you conveniently showed the parallel to the music scale is that one would find one's entire biospiritual field brought DOWN a octave likely making oneself susceptible to hostile psychic influence. Vaccines laden with mercury are designed to lower the vibration and open the victim up to external and hostile psychic influence. Perhaps there are other ways to make oneself susceptible--since newborns tend to come with intact bio-spiritual hedges they had to figure out a way to get around that?

    So imagine this: a whole planet of voodoo-susceptible men ("muggles" ala Harry Potter) under the control of a handful of psychic controllers. Some call that 'oneness'.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
    But you have malformed imagery of the holographic, in my opinion.
    If a stage isn't the play, isn't the actors, isn't the director, isn't the writer, why would the holograph be its creator? I can project something of myself into a sculpture, but to call me that sculpture would be an insult. To suggest that the differentiated is the totality of the undifferentiated and all of its potential...that resonates with error. I may paint, I may sculpt, my sculpture may reflect something or another about my mood, but I am far more than just a painter, sculptor, paintings, sculpture...

    P.S. John the Baptist didn't invent mikveh.
    Last edited by allodial; 11-25-16 at 04:53 AM.
    All rights reserved. Without prejudice. No liability assumed. No value assured.

    "The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
    "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2
    Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Thess. 5:21.

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