Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
If you endorse private credit, you get what you pay for.
Equity Judges can censor or obscure endorsement (part of a text) for legal or security purposes. Judge John [H] Doe endorsement is redacted. Endorsement in a private court you get no equity but you pay for opinions then beg a higher Endorsement with appeals when avoiding any contract real or presumptive one must demand lawful money. Equity is property and acts upon my person all public money is debt demand lawful money and censor or obscure endorsement Redacted debt. Experienced yet Compromised are inherently presented in any Private signature .The spiritual equity as being one in the spirit of Christ. As far as mysteries go Christ had no difficulties exploiting equity . Solutions beginning with Christ as no one raises hell better. Absolutely FAIRNESS isn't Judicial but determination is self. Quarrelsome is the trespass . I realize my position and limiting indulgence seems to benefit most. The balanced bantering that once was nightly here online now just a bantered few. presented and unbalanced Sarcasm and Socrates Like the orders of Socrates’ daimonion, at the beginning the orders of the English Courts of Equity were not law and had no precedential value. They were one off responses to injustices created by law.