Reiterate this forum is public - suggesting that newcomers study your personal religion is harmful to that goal. My insight is my understanding I certainly withdraw from ever suggesting that newcomers study my personal insights IN GOD WE TRUST thats not to insightful if u was packing hundred singles Redemption (In GOD WE TRUST this context) is in codified in US law, not any religious text. Whats GOD but religious text? Whats a Bible but a lawbook. Secularize a loan to make secular; separate from religious or spiritual connection or influences; make worldly or unspiritual; imbue with secularism. to change (clergy) from regular to secular. to transfer (property) from ecclesiastical to civil possession or use. USURY u figuring amortization allocating the cost of an intangible asset over a period of time. It also refers to the repayment of loan principal over time. In sipping terms one can swallow or spit the bank hoax thats my message Church and State separation get god outta the schools great idea but keeping him on As a Fraction of Trust with Compounded Interest. A significant amount of my rambling is for entertainment its not edgy or clever its far from brilliant. just like lawful money redemption isnt that brilliant a challenge for u youngsters any more. I am not challenging nobody if u cant look it up how did i bring it up.