Remember that a supply of manna is in the Ark, to supply the shewbread for the mysticomimetic neuropsychopharmacology of the priest class and that Jesse and his real sons (Judah) tried hiding David from Samuel, who had been raised inside the Tabernacle breathing the QETORET and eating the shewbread, but was the Judge class, Dan and "Judah" - as in Idumean/Canaanite. Judah weakened by the incest and supplanted as described above. Some allegorical, some literal.

Attachment 5408

The 42x2 tribal mentality enabled the Aboriginal Australians to manage the climate herbalist trade routes by wildfire technology for 15,000 years. This was for the entire continent. They would hold tribal counsel elder meetings by burying themselves in dirt up to their nostrils for three or four days, suspended animation. ESP can be enhanced and the LORD said, I have brought you out of Egypt for one purpose; to build me a Tabernacle where I will dwell with you. So this is a communications transceiver because El Shaddai said clearly he would not be going along with the Israelites, that he would remain at Mt Horeb, but he would stay in touch.

Attachment 5409

Treat your body like a Temple.

Attachment 5410