
People in "We the People" refers to "citizens of the several States (Article IV)". Under human law, that's the best thing to be and you can call yourself an American, because if you are one of the People you are also a sovereign.

Any status in the 14th amendment is a jurisdictional status based on the corporate "united states" and its subsidiares. US national, US citizen, Resident of the US, US Resident, Perm/Temp Resident, Resident Alien, <state name> Resident, etc are all slave statuses which convert your rights into privileges and strip them away (statutorily).

united States of America = country consisting of sovereign states. Declaration of Indepence AND Constituion FOR the united States of America = LAW of the land.

United States = corporate jurisdiction with statutory policies enforced under the color of law.

Statutes require consent, where you agree to be a part of the jurisdiction. In many instances you are falsely PRESUMED to be a part of a jurisdiction, so therefore you must assert your rights by stating that you are not, and placing the burden upon those who claim otherwise to prove that you are subject to their jurisdiction.

Laws are "of the land" and apply when violated regardless of consent. Valid laws are based upon damage/harm to your body or to your property, including theft. There must be an 'injured party' for a crime to exist lawfully.

Statutory crimes are different, and can be applied against you if you consent to a jurisdiction. I.e. in some corporate zones pretending to be states, "speeding" is a criminal statute. Of course, lawfully, speeding is not a crime and cannot be enforced as such, but statutory "crimes" do not require an injured party to be prosecuted as such. This is why the private prison business is booming in the U.S.