Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
I have troubled and labored quite a while to find "the Judge". With deviant oaths of office I keep getting bank tellers. And so I toil and trouble for an explanation, why and where the law might provide that one can change the oath from form.

B.T.W. I posted the Carbon 60 link by mistake. I was talking about finding the crux of science - reproducible results - within the naturally occurring isotopes:

Click Here.

Here is the program.
From the inner perspective, all men are as one man. Therefore the judges merely represent judgment as priests in the temple. Ref Hosea 4:6. There is but one Life, one Heart, one Love and it is His - Story. We live, move and have our being in God.

MJ to friend: Religion is the opiate of the masses.
3rd party: I agree. Science is the only religion, there is no God.
MJ to 3rd party: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, right? So why is there energy?