Quote Originally Posted by David Merrill View Post
Let's take one glance at the Passport, for which you wait. While they examine your arguments. There is no state within the state. So there is only one State Department for the United States, which is also the United States of America. If you want a passport from another state, then you should go to the State Department there for your Passport.
I never claimed a "state within a state". That is actually part of the controlled opposition propaganda designed to lead people seeking the truth down false paths. The "United States" is an incorporated, private, for-profit jurisdiction that has STATUTES which require consensual participation. The united States of America is an unincorporated federated country that has LAWS which apply to all upon the land INCLUDING the "United States" corporation.

This type of corporate hijacking has taken place in most of Europe and the "developed" parts of Asia... so the passport, in essence, is not a means to travel between countries - it is a means to travel between corporate jurisdictions. If all you want to do is travel you can do so with nothing more than a birth certificate. My goal is to have the corporation acknowledge my declared status as an American sovereign. We'll see how that pans out.

In my original posting on this topic, I highlighted the point that the "U.S. Dept of State" has a "customer service" department. Why would a lawful governmental agency refer to the public it is a servant to as 'customers'? Does a servant ever refer to his master as "customer"? No. You may overlook this, but it is no small thing; it is them gently reminding you that they are a business and you are in business with them.

The BAR cretins are two-faced, and outside of their court (tribunal) they pretend that language means what it says in laymans terms, i.e. "motor vehicle" just means a car or truck. As soon as you are in tribunal, however, you discover that their entire game is based upon redefining common words to mean something obtuse, i.e. "motor vehicle" is now a term that specifically means a car, truck, motorcycle, bus, van, etc used for commercial gain.

The reason their scam works so well is that you, as a layman, never realize that you are voluntarily submitting to their jurisdiction and thus lose your rights in the process. And let's face it, if you ever get to a point where you are in one of their tribunals and you failed to challenge their jurisdiction - you will lose because that's how it is designed. The only way to win the game is to refuse to play it.

It seems as though you were on the right path before and then for some reason you abandoned it and wandered back into the slave pen, perhaps because you were unduly influenced by the enemy. Seek not counsel from the Godless, for they will only lead you astray.