I am not throwing stones [religious tenets] as we know not one stone will stand upon another; however, while one may consider matters to be disconnected others see matters as one long continuous thread.

The Jews have always and will always seek to kill the Christ - this is fact; however, I speak not to some so called race of men calling themselves Jews. Rather, I speak to the intellect and the thoughts which deem themselves enlightened but do lie unto themselves.

Cain always seeks to kill Abel, for Jesus [the Spiritual I AM] said "ye are of your father, the Devil, and the lusts of your father do ye." The intellect always goes back to Jacob's well drawing water, but the Spirit says "I have water that if ye drink will cause you to never thirst again." Intellect seeks to find this dayspring but it searches in vain.

Let the Earth be still before the Lord [Spiritual Man].
The Collective Judas seeks to push the Spiritual Man into Lordship over the Earthly realms for the benefit of carnality - but this Judas aspect in each of us is nothing more than selfishness and greed. We seek our freedom from what we perceive, by and thru our intellect, to be our oppressors. It never dawns on us to look in the mirror. But then again, once one sees, one begins to know the mirror is our world. Therefore we can say "I and the Father are One. And we do not count it robbery to be equal with God. Until then the Woman remains under the Man.

As within - so without. Those seeking representative government deny themselves of their own lordship and dominion over their mind and body. For the Spiritual Man is judged of no man.

Now is the time for the Man and the Woman to sit equally in the throne. Today is the Day.